Some thoughts - by Amelia
Maps, Podcasting and Web Dev
Advice on starting a Podcast - Tech - Recording and Editing
So we've talked about the hardware I use in an earlier post. The software and tech side is fairly straightforward, but I'll try and include the range of products that I use to run the whole podcast! Recording All Avid Research interview episodes are currently recorded remotely in Zencastr which...
Advice for starting a Podcast - Philosophy - Fail Fast, Fail Early, LEARN
So you want to start a podcast, or maybe you've asked me for some podcasting advice, either way you're here now! Firstly, congrats, that's awesome! I'm excited for you. Podcasting is fun, it's hard, it's fun, it's educational and there's no shortage of benefits that other blogs can tell you about....
Why doesn't Avid Research have Sponsors?
This is a really good question, and it's a long answer so strap yourself in! Firstly, thank you for asking! I do love it when I get asked this, because to me the premise behind this question is that Avid Research is of sufficient quality to be worthy of sponsorship. That I bring sufficient value...